Monday, December 20, 2010

The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears (178 - 228)

Summary: As the novel comes to a closing, many problems strike Stephanos neighborhood. With Judith and Naomi gone Stephanos feels more lonely and goes back into his small depression. And with everyone being evicted and losing their homes, he suddenly feels that the neighborhood looks to him and others as a reason for losing their jobs and getting evicted. "They" did this to us and "if it wasn't for them" as an example of the common references. Business however started to improve as people began to crowd around every time someone was evicted; this brought some joy to stephanos, but he still missed the 2 people that would always make his day. When Judith did return it was at a church meeting held by Mrs.Davis about all of the evictions and the changes that were going on throughout the neighborhood. Everyone had their problems, but it seemed that when Judith spoke everyone went against her. After the meeting, a brick was thrown into her car followed by her whole house being burned down. We find out later that all these crimes were done by Franklin Henry Thomas, a man who had been living in the neighborhood for about 18 years; he had been evicted and saw that it wasn't fair that Judith had a nice big house and is living fine, while his rent was raised. Stephanos had understood his reasoning and somewhat sympathized Franklin simply because Stephanos had received a brick in front of his store and felt where the neighborhood was coming from. In the end Franklin was arrested and Judith ended up moving away, but promising to reconnect with Stephanos as soon as she had gotten settled. As for Stephanos, he is still with his store and proud of how far he has came, looking at the store as a piece of him and something that he is "happy to claim as entirely my own" (Mengestu 228)

Quote: "I  was in no position to say what was right or wrong. I was not one of "these people, as Mrs.Davis had just made clear to me. I hadn't forced anyone out, but i had never really been a pat of Logan Circle either, at least not in the way that Mrs.Davis and most of my customers were." (Mengestu 189)

Reaction: This quote has a major impact on the story especially at this time because now everyone is being affected with the rent raising and multiple evictions. Stephanos somewhat doesn't feel that he is apart of this struggle because the neighborhood had him feeling that the new people coming into the neighborhood are the reasons for the changes, and they make that very clear when it came to Judith. People living in the neighborhood for 20 years and on are getting evicted and feel that its not fair that they've been living their for so long and now is the time that major changes are being made. Franklin especially, he burnt down Judith's house so that she could move out and he and the rest of his family could eventually move in and live their permanently. For me personally, the fact that  everyone would look at Judith's house, it seemed that it was some kind a sign or foreshadowing behind the closeness of the neighborhood and how they figured that that eventually it would go to someone that had been living their long instead of someone that had just moved into the neighborhood. I also feel that Stephanos is apart of the struggle because there were multiple times that his store had almost been closed down; the fact that he had been living their for a short time made the neighborhood point fingers, but at the end of the day he went through all the things that they went through and should not be accused of the changes that took place.
       Overall, the novel was enjoyable, it showed the common struggle of an immigrant trying to make it into society, to be accepted and become successful on the way. With the strong hold and bond that the neighborhood had amongst each other, it was hard for Stephanos to get used to things, especially keeping his store together. In the end he began to understand the neighborhood and life as a whole and looked at the store with a lot more pride and confidence.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears (130 -178)

Summary: As the novel progresses we get to hear/meet one of Stephanos close relatives. His uncle Berhane Selassi. Berhane was a very noble man back in Ethiopia, however he fled to the U.S without anyone knowing. Some of his servants and workers were suspicious, but til now still don't know where he went. Burhane and Stephanos are really close, he often says that he can talk to his uncle about anything. Although his uncle had a lot of high hopes and is still a little disappointed in what he is doing now, he is still there for Stephanos and always asks how he's doing with the store. During his visit to his uncles house, you learn a bit about his father, his death, and Berhane's letter to Presidents. He talked about the bloody war that was going on in Ethiopia and summarized Stephanos' fathers death; which occured in front of his eyes as his father refused to tell soldiers were he found a paper pertaining to democracy. Another thing that is seen throughout this section is the small symbolism pertaining to the title. Earlier on it is revealed on what the title means, but now you can see what it means and how it relates to Stephanos. There are also more flashbacks focusing more on when they arrived in Ethiopia and the lives they lived as immigrants as well as the hardships they went to in order to become something or better their life.           
Quote:  "Our translucent reflections were shot back to us as we watched the finely dressed men and women inside sip their water." (Mengestu 170)

Reaction: This quote in m eyes shows the lack of satisfaction that the 2 men are having with their lives right now. It also related to a quote earlier that simply stated that you had to just go on with life. So this is kind of an example on how looking at another persons happy life might make you sad and depressed, but you have to keep on going so that you can make it there.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears (90-130)

Summary : So far in the novel, you get to see more of Stephanos recent struggles with a few flashbacks to somewhat set the mood for comparing. Right now Stephanos is struggling more and more everyday, he talked about how he was on the verge of losing his store because his rent is overdue. He was struggling to pay July's rent in September and the pattern of finance had continued. The only thing that had seemed to bring him happiness was the growing relationship with Judith and the company of her daughter Naomi. Judith and Stephanos are a lot more closer than before, theyre more comfortable with each other, but you still see the shy and awkwardness between the two. Naomi on the other hand just enjoys going to the store and reading with Stephanos; she has changed durastically and looks at him as a fatther that she has not had in a while. Together all 3 of them would make a great family; just being around them makes Stephanos happy so it might be possible for Stephanos dream to become true.

Quote: " In the absence of a family, a home, friends  and a country, being a student was as complete an identity as i had ever hoped for." (Mengestu 98)

Reaction: From reading this quote you can somewhat see how Stephanos felt coming into society as an immigrant years ago. He was new to the country and was proud of the fact that he was a student, which shows that he actually thought that he was something and had something to do in this new country that he entered. However, now you can see him as always somewhat depressed and looking at life in a negative way/angle. With his store's sucess declining, you can see how Stephanos pride in being apart of the country decreases to him struggling more and eventually not caring about anything anymore; including one of his "prized possesions"", his store.