Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears (90-130)

Summary : So far in the novel, you get to see more of Stephanos recent struggles with a few flashbacks to somewhat set the mood for comparing. Right now Stephanos is struggling more and more everyday, he talked about how he was on the verge of losing his store because his rent is overdue. He was struggling to pay July's rent in September and the pattern of finance had continued. The only thing that had seemed to bring him happiness was the growing relationship with Judith and the company of her daughter Naomi. Judith and Stephanos are a lot more closer than before, theyre more comfortable with each other, but you still see the shy and awkwardness between the two. Naomi on the other hand just enjoys going to the store and reading with Stephanos; she has changed durastically and looks at him as a fatther that she has not had in a while. Together all 3 of them would make a great family; just being around them makes Stephanos happy so it might be possible for Stephanos dream to become true.

Quote: " In the absence of a family, a home, friends  and a country, being a student was as complete an identity as i had ever hoped for." (Mengestu 98)

Reaction: From reading this quote you can somewhat see how Stephanos felt coming into society as an immigrant years ago. He was new to the country and was proud of the fact that he was a student, which shows that he actually thought that he was something and had something to do in this new country that he entered. However, now you can see him as always somewhat depressed and looking at life in a negative way/angle. With his store's sucess declining, you can see how Stephanos pride in being apart of the country decreases to him struggling more and eventually not caring about anything anymore; including one of his "prized possesions"", his store.


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