Friday, February 25, 2011

It's kind of a Funny Story ( 304 - 444)

Summary:So far in the novel  Craig is still adjusting with everything and is getting used to the hospital and its schedule. Although he sometimes does continue to think about how he should be in school working or somewhere other than where he was now. He also takes time to try to tell his friends about where he really is, but doesn't seem to have enough courage. You can also see how some of his real friends like Aaron and Nia are actually worried, while others like Scruggs and Ronny call and leave him messages about pot. Other than that he has gotten along better with his roommate Muqtada and even got him to come out of the room. He even introduces Solomon to Muqtada and Muqtada feels honored because after 17 days the "Jew" has finally spoken to him. With all the friendships and happiness going around, Craig gets a call from his principal and immediately hangs up. He's still in the in denial mode and doesn't want people to judge him or lose his chance of going to his dream school and becoming successful. Craig stresses so much about this school and lets out his frustration while talking to Dr. Minerva. He's very angry and when Dr. Minerva asks why not another school, that's when everything comes out. Craig talks about how he wasted a year studying to get into that school and this is where he ends up. And how he doesn't want to be crazy anymore, that he only wants to be a little crazy and only wants to be in a place like this to volunteer and never wants to come back again. The doctor sees that he's getting better and wants to fix himself. For the rest of the time, Craig forgets about everything else and focuses on whats happening now, which was him in the hospital getting better. He even brings out the hidden artist in him and draws a brain map, he gets his musical talent on and even gets enough money to have a pizza party and even finds Muqtada his favorite music. He gets his father to buy Egyptian music and once Muqtada hears the music he is up on his 2 feet and out of the room once again, but this time completely. He even starts dancing and everyone else starts to have fun and enjoy. That's when Craig suddenly realizes everything and comes back to life. He questions his thoughts on killing himself and even helps someone other than himself. Upon his departure, Muqtada even Thanked him and told his parents that he was a good boy and that he helped him. This was probably a great overall experience for Craig because he developed so much in 5 days. Before he would look at Muqtada as if he were an alien, but now Muqtada and Craig are close friends, hugging, and wishing each other good luck. Craig was able to help himself when he felt that no one else could. The hospital, patients and doctors showed him the way and he completed it. He was also able to see life in a different perspective and at the end of the day was able to see how much value it had to it. From Bobby, to Noelle, Muqtada and more Craig was able to grow as a person and met people that weren't afraid to be different and accepted themselves. Craig was also able to accept his condition and learned how to control it and become stable. Now as he leaves he knows what to do in order to keep his dream going and that is to just live do everything and stop thinking about it. Like Vizzini said "Live for real," don't live in a dream, make the dream a reality and be yourself.
Quote: "My brain doesn't want to think anymore; all of a sudden it wants to do" ( Vizzini 443)
Reaction: This is great news because this is towards the end where Craig expresses how he feels now and how hes not thinking about bad things or hardly anything at all, instead hes just doing them. Hes eating, breathing, running, drinking and more. He doesn't throw up anymore instead he releases his waste and enjoys life as a whole. He talks about reading, making maps, talking to people, riding his bike, taking tests, getting to school and more. He goes on about all the things that he has done and/or is going to do and highlights the enjoyment of life. For example, at the end he talks about how you shouldn't give up your life because you can actually help people like Bobby, get people books or music that they want to hear, volunteer at Six North (the floor of his hospital), help people like Muqtada, show them how to draw, make maps and more. He's basically showing how there is so much to live for and that you shouldn't waste your time thinking about ways to end such a beautiful thing because you really don't know how much you can change. He ends of the novel with telling Craig to live, and that's what i think the main goal was and that was to live. People constantly say that life is too short, so the best way to make it interesting and fun is to just live in it. Be active, socialize, go out, have fun and don't spend a minute second guessing yourself or what you want to become. Its your life and you get to live it the way you want.

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